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  • Man Against Messiah The Sanhedrin Plot Against Jesus (AUDIO VERSION ONLY)
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  • Man Against Messiah The Sanhedrin Plot Against Jesus (PAPERBACK) CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO A Chapter FREE!
    Man Against Messiah The Sanhedrin Plot Against Jesus. AUDIO VERSION of Chapter Five as read by the author Phillip C Wright
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  • Not Without Mercy The Black Death [Book One] (PAPERBACK)
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A NEW Epic series is here! Return from Rysa

Return From Rysa Angels and Aliens (Book One) $18.95 Paperback Version

ORDER YOUR COPY NOW ($18.95 paperback)

Return From Rysa THE LOST THE FOUND (Book Two) $22.95 Paperback Version

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The following story is a parable based on actual events in the life of a boy named Conner. When most children were just learning to put sentences together, Conner, at age three, discovered that it was not the imaginary monsters under his bed he needed to fear but the real ones who entered his home. Conner sees spirits from the other side and beings from other worlds. Conner, with many unique gifts and abilities, became a target for aliens, angels and others all wanting what only he could give.

In a world shrouded with mystery, confusion, deception, and unanswered questions about the existence of beings from other worlds, there are a few like Conner who knows the truth. Those who have had similar experiences of seeing spirits from other worlds, have come to understand that because of the gift of choice, ALL are part of the Creators Eternal Plan.

It seems odd that when there have been millions of unexplained heavenly sightings of unknown or unexplained phenomenon in recorded history, including descriptions from Old Testament prophets like Ezekiel, astronauts, scientists, and others whose reputations are above reproach, that many, if not most, believe we are alone in the universe.

There are tens of millions of Christians and others who believe God has created worlds without number, placing His children upon them. "That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters of God." D&C 76:24

We enjoy movies, TV shows, and books that talk about our celestial neighbors, but only through fiction. But what if there were a story that weaves it all together, a story that puts in context the purposes of alien beings from other worlds, of Heavenly messengers and enlightened beings from higher plains? What if a story began from the mouth of a babe that unravels the mystery, corrects the confusion, ends the deception, and answers the unanswered questions? We are not alone; we have a purpose, and the Creator has a Plan for ALL his creations on worlds without number.

We hope you enjoy our Science Fiction parable as we tell the epic story of the Chosen Ones. Perhaps the telling will, in some small measure, prepare our
minds to experience the utterly amazing events that may lie just over time’s horizon!

This is a YOUTUBE "Audio Sample" from Chapter One.

Moses 1:3, 33
Pearl of Great Price

And God spake unto Moses, saying: Behold, I am the Lord God Almighty, and Endless is my name; for I am without beginning of days or end of years; and is not this endless?

33 And worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten.

Click Here to the YouTube Audio sample of Chapter One

New York Times Best-Selling Author Brandon Mull helping with Return From Rysa.

We are very honored to have the help and collaboration with New York Times best-selling author Brandon Mull, and his wife Erlyn Mull. Brandon is widely known for the Fablehaven Series. Brandon and Erlyn both have been a tremendous resource as we have written book one in the Return From Rysa series. Not only is Brandon an incredible writer, but he is a good friend and a wonderful human being. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU BRANDON!!

Visit Brandon Mull Website

International Best-Selling Author Michael B. Rush is a consultant with Return From Rysa

We are very blessed to have the prolific Christian Non-Fiction Writer, Michael B. Rush, who masterfully unravels the Ezra's Eagle prophecy in his book A Remnant Shall Return, on our consulting team. Michael has sold books world-wide, including Daniel 11, Revelation, The Vision of John The Divine, and his latest book, Delight In Plainness. Michael has a gift of bringing ancient scripture to life! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU MICHAEL!

CLICK HERE to watch an interview with Michael Rush about the book RETURN FROM RYSA


~The Storyteller Collection~

A good story must be based on reality, and it must have characters who are realistic. Most importantly, in the end, there must be redemption. 

Click here to go to the Phillip Wright YouTube Channel

Here is what the Readers are Saying about: Man against messiah the Sanhedrin plot against Jesus

I LOVED your book! In fact, I thought what you wrote was better than what the other author (the one you translated) wrote.

Morgan Phillpot

I loved this book!  It is so interesting and so intriguing!  It is hard to put down. I learned so much and it gave me a new perspective on the Savior and I loved learning about His life in context.  That adds so much meaning & understanding. It is so well written, I love the author's style.   

Dalane M England

What a wonderful and insightful look into the life of Christ leading up to the atonement. I loved how he incorporated the work of Augustin LeMann “Jesus Before The Sanhedrim.”

John D. Johnson


I’m leaving this review for my grandma. She is reading this book for the second time. She has learned so much. She just raves at what a great writer Phill is & what a gospel scholar he is. Maybe once she finishes it (again) she will let me borrow it.

Ocean View

Here is what the readers are saying about: Not Without Mercy The Black Death


In this book you are taken back to a very dark and sad time in our history: The Black Plague. Phill's knowledge of the time period and the way he details all that the people went through is simply captivating. Phill has the unique ability to pull you into the lives of the characters and make you feel as though you are right there with them. As I was reading this story, I felt as though I was sharing in all of their sorrows, fears, and joys. I could almost smell the smells and feel the physical pain that some of the characters endured. The story line is captivating and awe inspiring. This is a book you simply can't miss reading. I am so excited and eager for the next volume of the Not Without Mercy Series!

Tanya Merrit


I'm not generally a fan of historical fiction and never gave a lot of thought to what life might have been like in the 1300's when the Black Plague was spreading through Europe. I wasn't sure I'd like the book but it was recommended to me. While reading Not Without Mercy I felt as if I was there, experiencing life in the Middle Ages and the plague along with William and his family -- it gave me a whole new perspective. The book was very realistic well-researched. It's a big book but goes very quickly -- I was so absorbed in it I didn't want to put it down.... including at the end. I didn't want to put it down. I want to know what happens next. I can't wait for the next in the series!

Leo Holmes


I am more of a romantic fiction reader with all the happy endings but since the author is a cousin I decided I would like to give it a try. I started it and decided it was too depressing a subject for me so I put it away for awhile. Then one day decided to give it another try and could not stop reading. Great story filled with people you fall in love with and though heart wrenching at times I couldn't put it down until I finished it.

Cindy Elder

Why I write historical fiction by Phill Wright

I have had many of my readers ask why I write historical fiction, and not just history books.  This is a great question.  I love history, but like many, I sometimes read history books that tend to bog down my mind with too many details that keep me from enjoying the subject.  But when I read about an individual in history I cannot help but wonder who they were, what they were feeling, how others around them were being impacted, and what they were thinking about the very moment history was being made. 

There are many great journals kept by prominent people in history, but unless they were very detailed and prolific in their journal entries, it doesn’t always tell the whole story.  I like putting a fictional character in a factual story to bring it to life.  It becomes more interesting to me when the character becomes the story, not the historical facts. For me, it is much more interesting hearing a story or learning history when it revolves around a central character. But when I do this, I am very conscious about making sure I get my story and facts as accurate as possible. I want the reader to get so lost in the story that they believe my character really did exist, and really did play a part, or was a player in the history. ---Phill Wright

Visit my good friend Michael B. Rush , author of the most insightful commentary books ever written on Old and New Testament Prophecy for our day!

Visit The Lost 10 Tribes